Monday, March 11, 2013

Is CEOSpace a scam? Still working on it.

Are Bernie Dohrmann to be trusted or are they a couple of scammers?

Let's take a look at a letter they send out out. My comments are in italics.

Dear Sir:

To all who have been frustrated raising capital, getting education, growing their business or finding collaboration rather than competition, I highly suggest you become a lifetime member of CEO Space. Here's the birds eye view:

CEO Space is the world's oldest and largest network for CEOs, Entrepreneurs and Visionary investors.

CEO Space is an entrepreneurial training and world class business networking organization, providing MBA-level training and development and an immersion experience of cooperation that results in income acceleration through exponential business growth.

CEO Space was founded by BJ Dohrmann, whose father was a mentor to Walt Disney, Napoleon Hill, Buckminster Fuller, Jack Kennedy, W. Edwards Demming, Earl Nightingale and many others.

Me too! I was a mentor to all of them plus Teddy Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, and Leonardo DaVinci. Honestly, how can anyone ever verify these specious claims when all the above are long dead? That is why their names are used here: dead men can't talk.

If this doesn't set off your alarms I don't know what will.

For the last thirty years, BJ has been known as "Coach of the Coaches" ...Anthony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Cannfield, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Loral Langmier, T. Harv Ecker, John Gray, Bob Proctor, Robert Kiyosaki, Les Brown and just about any other big name you can think of, as well as head execs at companies like Starbucks, HSN, 3M, AT&T, ConocoPhillips, and many more. He is now counseling the United Nations and many foreign nations with regard to turning around the global economic crisis via Cooperative Capitalism.

If you didn't catch the problem with this paragraph, read the first part slowly. WTF is it supposed to mean? Is this schmuck trying to get you to infer that he has been a mentor to all these people? I have never heard of him.

About a third of the members are investors, including millionaires & billionaires.   In just 5 meetings in the last year, CEO Space has generated over $3 Billion Dollars in funding for its members, while all the banks and venture capital firms were sitting on their hands.

Yes, I'm terminally gullible and will believe that.

Investors love CEO Space for four main reasons, among many....
1) Anonymity & Ability to get to know the principles intimately.
2) More quality deal flow in one place than anywhere on earth.
3) The opportunity to mentor and be mentored, no matter what level of one's stature.
4) The member companies are in a place where they have a lifetime membership with no annual dues and can get on-going advisement from the top business minds in the world.

Being a lifetime member means you have ONGOING access to investors, mentors, C level advisers formerly with Fortune 50 companies, hyper networking and 5 annual forums where you will grow your business at the speed of light! This is about possibility, NOT about being told "NO". The experience of the forums is unlike anything you can imagine. If you really running into blockades and don't know where to turn, this is because you're not a member of CEO Space.

**** ******
***** Chapter President
CEO Space

There you have it.

Are Bernie Dohrmann, or however he is spelling his name this week, and his gopher Dave Phillipson scammers and scam artists? Or are they honest businessmen?

This is Dave Phillipson but he looks ten to fifteen years older in the flesh.

Dauntless Dave Phillipson, can we trust you?